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Dental Exam Benefits

5 Lesser-Known Benefits of Scheduling Regular Dental Exams

For the average person, we recommend you schedule routine dental cleanings twice a year or every six months. That includes everyone from young children to elderly adults. This helps everyone maintain good oral health and keeps smiles healthy and pearly white. However, if that isn’t enough to convince you to attend a regular dental checkup, we’re here to share some lesser-known but just as important (or even more important!) benefits to attending regular dental exams.

Detect Early Signs of Disease

A key benefit to regular dental checkups is identifying signs of disease before it’s too late. Dental exams look for signs of dental diseases, including oral cancer. One of the most serious dental diseases, oral cancer, can be caused by smoking cigarettes, drinking excessive alcohol or HPV. Like all cancers, catching it in the early stages improves your chances of effectively treating and eliminating it. It also helps prevent any unnecessary pain or discomfort that could be caused by the disease. Dental checkups can also detect early signs of diabetes, heart disease and more.

Spot & Fill Cavities Early

Catching the formation of a cavity in its early stage is the only way to prevent it from growing and becoming painful or sensitive. During your routine dental exam, your dentist will look closely for any signs of cavities and provide on-the-spot fillings or schedule a follow-up appointment to address the issue. If cavities go unattended for too long, they will continue to spread and can coat the entire surface of a tooth and deepen within the root, causing sensitivity, pain, cracks or infection. When cavities go left untreated for too long, you may need more invasive treatments with crown placements or root canal procedures.

Prevent Gingivitis

Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent gingivitis from forming. Still, bacteria and plaque build up over time and can harm the health of your gums. Similarly, genetic factors make some people more likely to develop gingivitis or gum disease. Only professional dental tools can help to remove hardened plaque and tarter from teeth. Left untreated, it can result in gingivitis and, eventually, gum disease. Regular dental checkups can also help to spot the early signs, in which your dentist can provide you with best practices to address or prevent further issues.

Maintain a Healthier Smile for Longer

On the topic of gum disease, did you know it’s the number one cause of tooth loss? Given that 70-80% of adults have gum disease, treating it early can prevent tooth decay and loss down the road. Once teeth lose their natural enamel and become weak or brittle, it can result in needing cosmetic procedures like implants or dentures. Regular dental exams can help keep your teeth healthy with the use of fluoride and strengthening agents.

Save Money

Preventative care is not only beneficial to your personal health but to your wallet as well. Routine exams are typically covered by insurance and can help to prevent expensive procedures by avoiding problems altogether or addressing them in the earlier stages when less intervention is required. A routine dental exam costs far less than an invasive root canal. Additionally, routine dental exams can sometimes prevent emergency dental exams by spotting problems before they stem into painful and urgent issues like infections.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

The benefits of visiting your dentist twice per year go far beyond this list. Taking care of your oral health is a crucial step to taking care of your overall health. Here at Midlothian, we take a comprehensive, compassionate and judgment-free approach for all our patients. Our team of certified and caring doctors, hygienists and staff are looking out for your short-term and long-term health.

We’re dedicated to helping our patients achieve a lifetime of good oral health. From making your visit calming and inviting to using the latest and greatest in dental technology, we aim to provide you with the best of the best.

Each of our patients has individual needs. While dental exams and cleanups are generally straightforward, we take the steps to develop individual plans to ensure your needs are met. Whether you have a family history of diseases we need to keep an eye out for or deal with dental anxiety, we will work with you to make sure you feel heard and respected.

Don’t wait! Schedule your next dental exam and cleanup with us to take care of your oral health long-term.

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