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Sedation Dentistry

Ease Your Anxieties with Sedation Dentistry

Do you feel nervous about visiting the dentist? Have you had a negative dental experience in the past? Or does the idea of any dental procedure, large or small, come with a wave of overwhelming anxiety? You're not alone. It's estimated that around 36% of people in the U.S. have a fear of dentists and dental treatment.

Here at Midlothian Family Dentistry, we are extremely empathetic and understanding of our patients who may struggle with this fear—no matter their age, gender, or profession. We realize dental anxiety is genuine, intense and cannot be cured overnight, which is why we take a compassionate approach to dental care. Our number one goal is to make your visit with us as pleasant as possible.

Our mission from day one is to provide a calm, comfortable, and compassionate dental experience for our patients. That's why our kind, knowledgeable, dedicated dental professionals are leaders in sedation dentistry in the Chesterfield area.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses a moderate level of sedation to allow the patient to feel a deep sense of calm and relaxation during their appointment without falling asleep. This option can be used during routine check-ups but is most commonly used during longer appointments that require treatments, such as fillings, crown placements, root canals, implants, and emergency visits.

This short-term experience is ideal for anyone who:

  • Experiences moderate to severe dental anxiety
  • Has an overly sensitive gag reflex
  • Has a fear of needles
  • Experiences extreme teeth sensitivity
  • Has decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia
  • Has difficulty controlling their movements
  • May have special needs

Every patient is unique, so we do our best to accommodate different sedation plans. We offer customizable sedation plans to allow our patients to choose the level of sedation they're comfortable with. Your provider will go over the different types of sedation used, including:

  • Nitrous oxide (commonly known as “laughing gas”)
  • Oral sedation (provided in pill form)
  • Intravenous sedation (IV sedation)

We're proud to be one of only four General Dentistry practices in Virginia to partner with Anesthesia Connections to deliver non-hospital-based General / IV sedation. Our comprehensive and caring approach allows our patients to receive the care they need without the added stress of anxiety.

In addition to easing dental anxiety, sedation dentistry can also help prevent pain and ease a sensitive gag reflex. We've also found this method allows patients who require complex or lengthy procedures to receive this care with fewer appointments, allowing them to spend less time facing their fears and more time feeling comfortable and confident.

What to Expect with Dental Sedation

The unexpected and unknown can often trigger more anxiety, and we believe education on the efficacy of our work can help. We go the extra mile to provide a transparent experience for all our patients.

Before sedation takes place, your dental professional will discuss your sedation options and recommendations based on your level of anxiety, physical health, and any medications you're currently taking. A few hours ahead of your appointment, you may be asked to avoid eating or drinking.

Once you've arrived at our office, you'll be greeted by a calm and soothing environment along with our friendly staff. During sedation dentistry appointments, we provide patients with dim lighting, comfortable pillows, cozy blankets, and music of choice to ensure a calm and relaxing experience. Sedation dentistry equals painless dentistry. Throughout your appointment, you won't feel pain or discomfort. Instead, you'll feel a wave of relief and calmness as the sedation process kicks in.

After your treatment is complete, you'll be escorted back to our lobby. We do require that all our sedation dentistry patients have a trusted friend or family member on-site to drive them home safely. While Nitrous oxide wears off relatively quickly, oral and IV sedation takes longer, and it is not recommended to drive or operate machinery until 24 hours have passed. Side effects are rare, but some patients may experience extended drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, or headaches.

We're Here for You

We're proud to be recognized as one of the area's leading sedation dentistry practices. We have made every effort to provide our patients with a judgment-free and relaxing experience. Our doctors and staff wholeheartedly understand how difficult and often scary it can be to just make an appointment, let alone sit in the chair and await treatment.

Midlothian Family Dentistry is dedicated to providing you with a stress-free experience that will hopefully lessen your dental anxieties over time. If you're in need of dental care, we're here for you. It doesn't matter to us how long it's been since your last appointment or what type of work you need to be done—we're just happy to see you and help however we can.

Schedule a stress-free sedation dentistry consultation!